Carey Marx
For the past 5 years Carey Marx has performed as a stand-up comedian. In that short time, Carey has risen through the circuit's ranks and now regularly headlines most clubs, annually comperes at the Reading. Leeds and Glastonbury Festivals, and most recently has been added to the rosters of both the Comedy Store and Jongleurs, two of Britain's largest and most prestigious comedy clubs. The TV executives are beginning to sit up and take note. 'Slam' (ChanneI4) 'The Jack Docherty Show' (Channel 5) 'Gas' (Channel 4) 'The Stand Up Show' (BBC1) 'Trick on Two' (BBC2) That's because of Carey's amazing pedigree as a live performer. With nearly 19 years of show business experience and over some 3000 live appearances, Carey has performed under a variety of guises in an array circumstances, mainly as a world-class sleight of hand magician. Carey's magic career has taken him to 15 countries as far a field as China and Ascension Island. He has performed for the Roiling Stones at Bill Wyman's wedding. He warmed up for Torville and Dean, on ice at Wembley. Elstree Studios hired him to teach Tom Conti how to produces an egg from his ear. He even managed to make Princess Beatrice cry for over an hour. Class. As well as performing close-up magic, a card sharp expose, séance demonstrations, and a hypnosis show, among other things, Carey has lectured for the Magic Circle, written sketches for the BBC, and recently finished his soon to be published novel 'Chaos Crumble and Custard'. As for his comedy, Carey Marx delivers a stream of delightfully amusing and deliciously wicked tales full of hilarious twists and unlikely villains. He Is also happy to perform some of his unique magic routines, on request. The critics say; "Excellent' The Guardian "Hilariously demented" Edinburgh Evening News "Marx is a magician in the post-modem Penn and Teller mould whose comic patter makes him an act worth staying up for." Time Out (on the Stand Up Show)