Sean Collins

Sean honed his unique, storytelling style over 18 years. In 2000, his hard work and determination led to his receiving two prestigious Canadian Comedy Award nominations for ‘Best Male Stand Up’ and for his half hour ‘Comic’s Comedy Special’ on CBC.

In 2002, CTV gave Sean his first, hour long special as part of their ‘Comedy Now’ series and, building on this momentum, Sean did what he considers to be one of thee highlights of his career by performing a gala set at the Just For Laughs Festival in Montreal, 2003.

Fuelled by the desire to play to a more international audience, Sean left Canada for the UK and, within the five years that he has resided in Britain, he has written and performed three highly successful Edinburgh Festival shows, receiving rare, five star reviews and one of only a few Best of Fest accolades.

Now, firmly established as one of thee strongest, headline acts on the UK circuit, Sean has several TV and radio credits to his name, including The World Stands Up on Comedy Central, The Comedy Store TV show on Paramount for 2005, 2006 and 2008, The Blame Game Radio Show for BBC Ireland and a recently recorded hour special filmed in Amsterdam and sold to the national network, VARA.